Purina Rabbit Chow Professional AdvantEdge

Purina Animal Nutrition
2025-09-28 USD
  • 24.62


Crude Protein (Min)..................................................... 18.00%
Crude Fat (Min) ..............................................................1.40%
Crude Fiber (Min) .........................................................14.50%
Crude Fiber (Max)........................................................18.50%
Calcium (Ca) (Min) ........................................................ 0.65%
Calcium (Ca) (Max) ........................................................ 1.15% Phosphorus (P) (Min) .................................................... 0.50%
Salt (NaCl) (Min)............................................................ 0.25%
Salt (NaCl) (Max)............................................................0.75%
Vitamin A (Min).......................................................4,800 IU/lb
Total Microorganisms (Min) .................... 100,000,000 CFU/lb

Feeding for Growth and Reproduction: Purina Professional Rabbit Feed will support 8 litters annually while encouraging consistent reproduction of does and healthy, rapid growth of bunnies. This high nutrient dense formula permits optimum performance.
  • Does - just after kindling: 2 to 4 ounces the first day to prevent caked udders then gradually increase 1 ounce daily to free choice by end of first week
  • Does - at weaning: 1 to 2 ounce for three days to reduce milk production and prevent caked udders or remove feed for 24 hours and feed 3 to 5 ounces the following day.
  • Gestating Does (not lactating): 3 to 6 ounces/day - adjust to maintain desired weight.
  • Weaned Bunnies: Free choice.
Feeding for Show Rabbits: Rabbit fur is composed primarily of protein. Many show rabbit producers desire animals with lustrous fur and are careful not to get show rabbits too heavy. Because Purina Professional Rabbit Feed has a higher nutrient content, it should be limit fed to show rabbits and the rate adjusted to achieve desired body and fur condition.

Feeding for Maintenance: Dry Does and Bucks: Limit feed to maintain a trim and fit condition. Adjust feeding rate to maintain desired body weight.

Store in a dry, well-ventilated area protected from rodents and insects. Do not feed moldy or insect-infested feed to animals as it may cause illness, performance loss or death. USE ONLY AS DIRECTED

Management Practices

Follow these management practices:
  1. Mature and elderly rabbits may benefit from supplements low in calcium.
  2. Growing, gestating, and lactating rabbits may benefit from supplements high in calcium and protein.
  3. Rabbits maintained in breeding colonies with high breeding rates may benefit from supplements high in energy.
  4. Provide plenty of fresh, clean water at all times.
  5. Young rabbits will begin to consume feed when they come out of the nest box at approximately three weeks of age.
  6. If weight control is necessary, limit feed this product at the rate of 0.5 ounces per pound of body weight per day.
  7. Feed requirements of rabbits will vary depending on their body weight, environmental temperatures, type of housing, and stage of production (maintenance, gestation, lactation, growth).
  8. A feeding program is only as effective as the management practices followed.
It is always good practice to wash hands thoroughly after feeding and/or handling animals. Contents of bag are not for human consumption. Contains a source of live (viable) naturally occurring microorganisms.

Purina Rabbit Chow is a professional AdvantEdge is a completely balanced food specially formulated to produce shiny fur, rapid growth and excellent reproduction. This nutrient dense formula is our highest protein and highest energy food, making it the perfect choice for those who desire accelerated breeding and/or lustrous fur growth, all while feeding less per day.

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