For more than a century, Purina has built connections with producers based on the goal of bringing out the best in every animal. During that time, a wide range of tools and services have been put together to help customers identify challenges. As a result they are able to find solutions in many different areas of their operations.
To be successful with these tools, our team aims to thoroughly understand the ins and outs of your operation and its goals. We’re invested in your well-being and take pride in helping you meet your goals. That’s why our partnership with producers goes far beyond what’s in the feed bag.
Something for everyone
Adding value to your herd starts with thorough management. Each operation is unique – what works for one might not work for another. Our tools and services can help identify areas to emphasize on the farm or ranch to push your herd further.
A few of our favorite tools and services include:
- Proof Pays: With the help of a local Purina expert, producers can conduct a feeding trial with Purina products. The trials are done on their own operation with their cattle to show the value of quality nutrition. Proof Pays trials are open to herds with 100 head or more and can last between 28 to 90 days. Trial periods may vary depending on the trial type. The local Purina Team will oversee the trial, collecting pertinent information and helping producers analyze results.
Feed Greatness® Challenge: Producers of all herd sizes can participate in a 90-day trial with Purina® Wind and Rain® mineral. Throughout this trial, the producer collects information on mineral consumption, pasture conditions, and other important factors. At the end, Purina will give you the tools to interpret your results so you can make the right choice for your herd.
- Purina® Plus value-added program: Purina® Plus is a marketing program for producers striving to raise low-risk, high-value cattle. Utilizing industry-leading and research-proven health practices and Purina’s line of starter feeds, producers can work with their local team to position their cattle to buyers interested in investing in quality cattle.
- Purina Fly Monitor™ App: Launched this year, your local Purina® representative can use this app to estimate the number of flies impacting a cow herd. Then they can accurately sort cows into fly count categories. Producers can work with their local expert to design an integrated pest management plan, utilizing the consistent consumption of Wind and Rain® mineral with Altosid®, to minimize the impact of fly populations.
As with our feeds, each of our tools and services are strengthened by our continuous research at the Purina Farm in Gray Summit, Missouri, also known as the Purina Animal Nutrition Center. The commercial cow herd and Ph.D. researchers and nutritionists at Purina stand behind everything that we do.
Gate side advice
These are just a few examples of some of the tools that Purina representatives utilize when working with producers. Among these, there are many other services that they can offer an operation through an on-farm consultation.
One of the simplest, yet most impactful, ways a Purina representative can help you is by conducting body condition scores (BCS) of your herd three to four times per year. Having an accurate assessment of the herd’s average BCS can be critical to accomplishing goals. Once a baseline is established, recommendations can be made, and strategies implemented to ensure cows are set up for future success.
The relationship between producers and Purina is more than products. We’re invested in helping make improvements with producers. We meet you where your herd needs are and help you reach your goals. When you succeed, we succeed.